Wednesday, October 8, 2008

welcome to my new clancy's classics blog

This day one of my new blog is pretty exciting for me as I have visited everyone's blog thinking about doing it and always finding an excuse not to do it, too busy or not sure what will happen if I did do one and here I am taking the plunge.. I welcome you all to my blog and love.. love to get any and all feedback from those who visit my Etsy site or any other ideas from out there in the global world of internet users. I have a big group of family and friends and it seems to be growing through the relationships I am making via my Etsy and Ebay stores.. let us all come together!!


sheila at shecological said...

Hi Marianne,

This is FABULOUS!! Very beautiful and professional! Just like you! Thank you so much for listing my etsy site on your front page. I look forward to checking back to see what you add each day! :)

love Sheila

maclancy said...

Good Morning as it is 6:02. This was so fun to create the banner and to actually begin this blog. I want to say thanks to Sheila for being the first to comment and I look forward to any and all ideas or answers to my questions or answering your questions about art,photo or life... which includes a big array of ideas and subject, nothing is off limits. I have to travel to a meeting at the high school this morning. Will be back later.

ellemaywolf said...

wow grandma! this site is beautifull! I hope you start doing art more.. i know this seems silly to say but i feel like you need constant reminding! YOU MY DEAREST ARE AN INCREDIBLE TALENTED WOMAN, no not just at scanning and manning a computer ( and well being one of the only grandmas in existence with the capability to actually man a computer and scanner ect..) seriosulsly, everyday i see your incredible work in my house, and i feel almost selfish that i practicallly have your WHOLE collection.. paint woman! dont do what sells, i wil not have it, you sell enough online.. do something for YOURSELF, now bloggers you may think im kidding but no, this indeed is a command, you have one month to do as you please, make something that challenges you, fresturates you and brings out the tallent that has long been dormant behing photoshop and mildew-ey photo-albums, hundreds of years of now, when someone is sellling YOUR family history on the internet, dont you want a sentence or two about how incredibly talented this " marriane clancy of the twentieth century" was...come on, ooo maybe you could write a childrens book, you've always wnted to do that.
ANYWHO. im getting carried away.. my mission still stands, do something for yOU, im sure the whole family will support me.
i love you to my marrow grandma.

About Me

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I am a mother of 2 wonderful girls, grandmother of 4, don't worry you will see photos of them one day! I live in Sedona Arizona, a beautiful place, lots of sun and blue blue skies! I listen to politics and my favorite radio channel is Cinemix. I am the oldest of 11 , I love my kids, my parents and my siblings and my friends!!

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