Thursday, August 13, 2009

End of Summer Storm~Finally

After a long day of work, and heat, I decided to take an evening walk with the dog around the block. The sky gathering grey clouds from the north, winds were blowing the willow tree leaves around me in gusts. No one was out because although it was the first time in the day that the heat wasn't oppresive, the night was slowly creeping up and with it the bats and other creatures that keep many of us desert dwellers indoors. But feeling like I would burst if I didn't get some exercise I walked Blue around the block a few times and then when we returned I sat in the driveway on the curb and just watched as this beautiful cloud rolled in. There was lightening shooting out from it and lots of thunder. I got a few nice images and believe it or not this is untouched in photoshop. Minutes later the sky turned dark and blue purple and then we had our short lived rain. I am so longing to have cooler weather and today got up to grey skies and 67 degrees. I walked with a light sprinkle for almost an hour and relished every cool minute of it. I happened upon several people I knew both who were so glad it had cooled. One old woman said to me"I don't even care if it rains, no umbrella, what do I care" I agreed and went on my way.
Funny how much you can appreciate what someone else takes for granted or even loathes, the rain and grey skies. It could be the opposite for my mom and sister who live in the very far northwest where warm and sunny are something they experience about 2 weeks of the year.
Although there was a heat wave for a week this summer up there.
I for one will not complain when the fall is truly here. I so look forward to it.
School has started and the seasons are changing..I hope!


Sandra said...

this photo is Fab! I miss u. Hope all is well.

chickory said...

man. those colors are unreal. i thought it was going to be a painting!! beautiful.

Gramma Joan said...

Beautiful picture Marianne. I miss the thunder and lightening storms of Michigan. In 23 years I have only experienced one incidence of thunder and lightening! Gramma Joan

About Me

My photo
I am a mother of 2 wonderful girls, grandmother of 4, don't worry you will see photos of them one day! I live in Sedona Arizona, a beautiful place, lots of sun and blue blue skies! I listen to politics and my favorite radio channel is Cinemix. I am the oldest of 11 , I love my kids, my parents and my siblings and my friends!!
