Today is the girl on left's birthday~ Fawna Moon, her sister on the right is Sara Rose, my daughter and half sister to Fawna. She turns 40 tomorrow~ HAPPY BIRTHDAY SARA & FAWNA!
Fawna recent new mom is a loving and proud mother and wonderful wife. I watched her grow from small to tall and feel very close to her and her family.
Sara the first in a long legacy of Willis children is turning 40 tomorrow. I celebrate with her although she is in Mexico and I in Sedona. As all mothers we never forget the day our children were born and where we were and how wonderful that first moment felt to hold our babies in our arms. We feed, clothe, play, teach and love them as best we can.
I am so very proud of Sara. She has been my best friend her whole life and although we are not near we have never been too far apart. I admire her tenacity, positive outlook despite all types of adversity, her sense of beauty au naturale and her biggest and most beloved accomplishment, having and raising the 4 most beautiful children on the planet. Although she is a self made celebrity in Cabo San Lucas, she is also very well known in Oregon from her delicious and marvelous cooking/chefing adventures.
I am so happy she is moving back to Eugene with her 3 small children so I will be able to see her and them more often. I have plans to cook and hang out with my oldest granddaughter Ellen, who is a freshman at the University there, to teach Tristan my art tricks, to gain wisdom and read stories from Ava who is 6, to cuddle Miranda and read her stories and just adore her with her 3 inch long eyelashes above her sweet face and take walks into the park with all.
I remember bringing SAra home to my small house in Avondale, PA. She was wrapped in a knitted wool blue blanket. It was a gift from a woman that was a friend of her grandmother's who was from ENgland. It was the tiniest stitch and the sweetest little blanket. that blanket stayed with her until she was 5 and it was left at a bus station. I am reminiscing. All I want to do is be able to go get a coffee with SAra and sit and talk about her next plans for her business. The kids will be in a sand box playing happily and we can just be, neither of us needing to go anywhere or talk to anyone on the cell phone.. that is my wish for her and for myself. You see mothers remain selfish, even if it is their child's 40th. I wish happiness and love to surround you Sara. And Fawn holds her love dearly and deserves her sweet IRis..
Both you girls are still as wonderful as you were in that photo.