My Aunt PAtty still lives in Detroit near Ferndale and she was inspired by my story of how idyllic life was growing up on the farm she went to find it with no directions and did indeed find it. My mother says that the people who bought it from us were a couple that the man lost his arm in an accident so he couldn't do alot of chores. He did have 2 sons however and they let the place fall apart. This is not the same as the home with a wonderful bright red barn and white washed home. It actually looks spooky now, but it is winter and as we all know winter can look pretty bad on anyone or most old buildings. None of the trees were pruned and the chicken coop replaced by a garage with a bright turquiose door. The area around the farm is the same. My mom also said that the 5 acres of raspberries belonged to us so I told that part of my story below incorrectly. There is a cat on the porch and other than that nothing looks alive but again it appears to be winter in Michigan and they did have a snow yesterday! So this doesn't destroy my memory at all because I know how beautiful my father and mother kept this place, animals and children, fruits and vegetables. Lots of visitors. Lots of wonderful memories!
Thanks Aunt Patty!
1 comment:
Hi Marianne,
I like these photos of the farm and I think it looks pretty good for being so old! I am sure mom and dad kept it nicer but still, it looks like a huge nice house and barn. I am glad it is still standing and not plowed down to make way for suburban sprawl.
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